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Published Writings 12 - as referred to by *

(Designed  in collaboration together with Don Erdman )  


Don loved Graphics, had a laconic sense of humor, and we practiced together as "ArchiTex[see project in Architecture in Greece in PUBLISHED WRITINGS 6]. . . and produced these two books for fun.



A deadpan 'provocation' on the context of a Climate and Social context alien to traditional ideas of "Winter" and "Yule-tide". A homage to Ed Ruscha's 'little books', especially COLORED PEOPLE;  our pages were printed one-sided/folded over (such as the Dutch Expressionist WENDINGEN series, and traditional Japanese books) to make the book "thicker". The book was Cited by Ada Louise Huxtable in the NYTimes 19 December 1977.

'CLICK' on images for Caption and to review in Sequence.


I worked with Don in ArchiTex while producing the AIA Guide 'HOUSTON an architectural guide' [see PUBLISHED WRITINGS 7 ]; as the Guide neared completion, we collaborated on producing another book, the subject of this Published Writings.

'CLICK' on images for Caption and to review in Sequence.

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