Published Writings 10 - as referred to by *
my articles with Descriptive and Analytical/Critical content, as published in PROGRESSIVE ARCHITECTURE-P/A, from 1981 - 1996: some substantive Features with deeper opportunity to critique, even as I would segue from being Southwest Correspodent to Correspondent At-Large, relocating to the East Coast.
'CLICK' on images for Caption and to review in Sequence.

Special Feature on James Stirling-Michael Wilford's first American Building: addition and renovation of the Rice School of Architecture. My initial try at interpreting the Strategy.

Nature Center by Antoine Predock: a Friend who's about the only Architect in New Mexico that has a conceptual basis for his work. A beautiful delineator, whose sketches are spare but evocative, the designs also exhibit almost mystical underpinnings.

The first P/A as "Cover Girl"; Herring Hall, the Jesse Jones School of Administration. Following my critique of Stirling & Wilford's Anderson Hall project, the Business School was on the opposite/outside of the Academic Court, yet still begged the question of interpreting the "Rice Style". See a review of Pelli's Master Plan that preceded the commission in CITE Winter 1984, Published Writings 4.

Following the Herring Hall project, Cesar Pelli was given the 'challenge' of adding onto the Student Center & Chapel, The Prequel announcement was in the issue.

Two years later, the Ley Student Center was completed; the Link combines both issues of P/A.

A second "Cover Girl" issue with extensive coverage of Renzo Piano's Menil Collection Museum project.

Theme issue on Charles Moore, who was Dean at Yale and supportive of my interest in teaching, while having to endure my work on PERSPECTA 12 and satire of 'Chuck' during the student political resistance in 1968-70 (see Published Writings 2, reference to N.O.) I stayed with 'Chuck' in LA at his hose for Lee Burns while working on "Images on a Silver Screen" (Published Writings 7)

A house by a former Yalie and friend, LA Architect Barton Phelps, whose geometry bears a connection to Charles Moore (Bart worked for 'Chuck' for a time). Besides, the house is yellow.

Michael Graves Theme Issue; Michael was my Basic Design Professor and then my Thesis Professor at Princeton. I was "At-Large" Correspondent, and pushed to have his Newark Museum renovation illustrated, as it was a long-term relationship with Client, and a unique museum involving integration of previously seperate buildings.