Published Writings 2 - as referred to by *
(Designed by me in collaboration)
A treatise on the state of Society's divisions into "Haves" and "Have-Nots" [not that conditions have changed much]; but definitely the situation at the time we did PERSPECTA 12. Consider the note in Format design (below) in "ANOTHER MODERN"
(see CONTENTS in PUBLISHED WRITINGS 3, which notes the evolution of WHAT U CAN DO from the article "Waiting for Printout" by Shad Woods.)
My design was deliberately organized with the spine horizontally, compelling its being read while holding tight, thereby engaging the Reader in content.
'CLICK' on images for Caption and to review in Sequence.
"Stadtplanung Geht Uns Alle An/Urbanism is Everybody's Business/l'Urbanistica Come Problema di Interesse Collettivo" 1968-Ulrico Hoepli Editore Milano documents 14thTriennale di Milano exhibit
Shad Woods' urban concepts and polemic appear on the back cover.
The cover of Architecture at Rice, which I designed in collaboration with Shad Woods, who I met at Yale. ["U" stands for "URBANISM"a direct reference to the Hoepli edition]
Stadtplanung Geht Uns Alle An, the Team X original precedent.
Shad Woods autographed my copy; his business card is included.
A retrospective look at the work of Shad and his partners (Candilis, Greek urbanist + Jodsic, Yugoslav Architect).
Incluson of WHAT U CAN DO as illustration within the text. The format required holding with BOTH hands, compelling engagment with the narrative.
Also, WHAT U CAN DO illustrated again within Footnotes.