Published Writings 8 - as referred to by *
articles with Descriptive and Analytical/Critical content
'CLICK' on images for Caption and to review in Sequence.

Special/Introductory Essay on the Cranbrook Academy President's House by Eliel Saarinen

FEATURE: New Waves 2 "young" Designers, also included my Davis House (see Portfolio 2)

FEATURE - Cover Story 15 page review "Expanding the Modernist Tradition of E.L. Barnes". This includes the Dallas Museum of Art, and putting Edward Larabee Barnes' career in context. It was cited in the book 'Building the New Museum' (Princeton Architectural Press - 1986) at length from this TEXAS ARCHITECT.

Special Double Issue Themes: Europe/America/America-Europe My first look at the Case Study House #9 for John Entenza

The Yale Hockey Rink (Ingalls Rink), employing a "hung" roof from a central spine. Title is "Intentions in Tension".

The TWA Terminal by Eero Saarinen at Idlewild (now JFK) International Airport.

Critique of Eero Saarinen's IBM Manufacturing Plant in Rochester, MN. Its purpose was to produce computers, and as such was designed as an "indeterminate structure" of flexible modules, capable of repetition as needed.

Published by the Finnish Society of Architects. A lecture I delivered in Helsinki, comparing the conundrum between the Entenza House and the J.Irwin Miller House in Canada. If Saarinen wasn't "orthodox" with an unrelenting "style", then he was "heterodox".

"Colin Rowe put me up to it!!" While author/teacher/critic/Legend Colin was a Visitor, I posited to him a question about the apparent degeneration of Iconic/'Heroic' "Modern Style" as in LeCorbusier via Richard Meier, and the transformation into Stereotype, followed by "just another option".

Theme: RESURFACING MODERNISM My piece was picked up by a young author (who didn't know me) as the lead in his article in PERSPECTA 23 (2001), exactly 30 years later. The Credit Line read: "page from Architectural Design January 1971".