Published Writings 3 - as referred to by *
(Designed in collaboration with Co-Editor Stuart Wrede and Graphic Designer Aaron Marcus)
PERSPECTA 12 - The Yale Architectural Journal
(put in context with PERSPECTA 11)
PERSPECTA 12 received extensive coverage, with Reviews in a variety of International professional journals; what is most interesting, are the choices of "which" aspects/features were cited, revealing an array of editorial and political agendas. As the Legacy of Robert A.M. Stern's 'Blockbuster' PERSPECTA 9/10 in 1965, implied 'bigger & better', for Stuart and myself, we both felt PERSPECTA 12 should stand in deliberate contrast with its Predecessor, PERSPECTA 11: materially, philosophically, politically, as America and Architects' roles had changed, particularly with the Vietnam War, and we believed our issue should offer a responsible critique.
'CLICK' on images for Caption and to review in Sequence.
PERSPECTA 12, for reasons which I can only call "relevancy", or "timeliness", was extensively cited or reviewed in the International Professional Press. 'CLICK' on images for Caption and to review in Sequence.
The first published Review about PERSPECTA 12
Feature on the Maison de Verre
A great start!
AARON MARCUS: his Collaborative Role in conceiving the structure as a Graphic embodiment of our Editorial attitude.
Architectural Design (AD) was the 'hottest' mag in the mid-1960s through the 1970s
First "notice" of PERSPECTA 12's publication
The second AD to include PERSPECTA 12
a bit more commentary on PERSPECTA 12; cites the "section break" on the cover. Collage taken from interview with Claes Oldenburg.
Martin Pawley, a harsh critic of American historian Vincent Scully's 'interpretation' of American architecture, cites PERSPECTA 12
First "prominent" magazine to include a feature on PERSPECTA 12
listed in Contents, Review "The Big Little Magazine: Perspecta 12" by Peter Eisenman was substantial, running 3 pages.
A small 'nod' to PERSPECTA 12
Why? we had several "section breaks" (without comment) that were meant to simply challenge assumptions of what Architecture "should look like".
DB featured a second of the "section breaks" on the cover. Collage taken from interview with Claes Oldenburg.
Selected articles translated: Melvin Charney "Experimental Strategies" and Alex Tzonis "Transformations of the Initial Structure". Both are challenges to so-called 'professional values'.
Includes another Review by Peter Eisenman, "The Future of the Architectural Past", this being 6 pages. Cited are the interview with Claes Oldenburg; Ken Frampton's "Maison de Verre"; Antonio Hernandez's "J.N.L. Durand's Architectural Theory"; Allan Greenberg's "Lutyen's Architecture Restudied"; "Ben Brewster's "Walter Benjamin and the Arcades Project" (originally in The New Left Review). ALL precursors to so-called Post-Modernism.