Articles on Urban Issues published over 12 years in CITE.

I delivered a vetted/accepted Paper at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Architectural Historians meeting in Houston, TX in 1999 on a subject explaining the conceptual/rhetorical basis for the use of "precedents" by progressive architects in the 1930s. This presentation, was after years writing on aspects of the subject.

ARTICLE "NATIONALISM-REGIONALISM-MODERNISM" [written after having given a Studio project for the Harris County Jail in Houston]

ARTICLE: "Texas Regionalism 1925-1950"

Quoted in a feature on "The Motorcar and Texas Urban Form". Reference is made to 'Icons & Eye-Cons: Signs in the Houston Landscape' (see EXHIBITIONS 4: Public Education)

Volume 1 Spring 1980 Article "Aspects of a New Urban Vernacular"

Article: "Notes from a Billboard Culture" (indicating International interest in emerging city forms in the 1970s), but including my design project, included to extend the paradigm, yet also demonstrate application of my Design Principles.

Volume IV 1980 Article: "Magnificent Courtyards, Beautiful Gardens"
Published Writings 6 - as referred to by *
Essays on Understanding the Evolving Urban Environment, as well as Regionalism and adapting Tradition to the Contemporary context.
CITE-select issues SAH Texas Architect VIA-U Penn Journal Architecture in Greece Harvard Architecture Review
'CLICK' on images for Caption and to review in Sequence.